Through the recent successful share offer, Stokes Croft Land Trust was able to raise the required funds to purchase 17-25 Jamaica Street & 14 Hillgrove Street, which houses People’s Republic of Stokes Croft HQ, in order to maintain the building as a hub of community activity.
Now that SCLT has purchased the freehold tenure of its first buildings, it is planning a longer-term programme of improvements to the buildings in partnership with the current tenant People’s Republic of Stokes Croft who will continue to occupy and develop the building’s space and facilities for its range of cultural, artistic and campaigning activities and events.
The Stokes Croft Land Trust is also aware of other opportunities to acquire premises within the Stokes Croft Conservation Area, which are not occupied by PRSC, and has already engaged with some local business owners whose premises could be secured into community ownership should they proceed to sell them.